
Contact us

Oy Culmentor Ltd.

Sangintie 27 B, 90650 Oulu
Puh. +358 (0)10 7340 600

Business ID 1521870-7

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Address for invoices on paper:
Oy Culmentor Ltd (Apix Skannauspalvelu)
PL 16112

Jotta skannauspalvelu voi kohdistaa laskunne, tulee tämä laskutusosoite tulostaa myös itse laskuun, eikä pelkästään kirjekuoreen. Tähän laskutusosoitteeseen ei tule lähettää muuta materiaalia kuin laskuja.


Jukka Hellgren, CEO, e-mail: jukka.hellgren(at)culmentor.com, +358 40 760 1447

Civil Engineering:

Jari Tirri, jari.tirri(at)culmentor.com, +358 50 478 1955

EU projects and funding:

Heidi Honkanen, heidi.honkanen(at)culmentor.com, +358 40 5915 340

Contacts of our other experts: Company page.

Jukka Hellgren

Toimitusjohtaja, Oy Culmentor Ltd

Jukka (BSc Civil Engineering, MSc in Project Management) is one of Culmentor’s founders. As the CEO, he is in charge of Culmentor’s management and commissions related to energy investment projects. Jukka’s experience on energy sector investment projects dates back to the 1980s’.

Heidi Honkanen

Senior Expert, Partner

Heidi is Culmentor’s EU funding expert with a MSc degree in geography. Heidi joined the company in 2006 and is in charge of managing and implementing our EU-funding related commissions. Heidi is a specialist in international projects and has written and consulted numbers of grant-winning applications for different consortiums and funding programmes.

Jari Tirri

Senior Expert

Jari has over 30 years’ experience from demanding infrastructure and concrete construction projects, he has successfully led several hydropower plant renovations. At Culmentor, Jari is responsible for construction projects.

Jaakko Seppälä

Senior Expert (MSc (Tech))

Jaakko has over 30 years of experience from civil engineering, entrepreneurship, environmental technology and from EU projects e.g. as an evaluator. Jaakko’s expertise in international business is strong, especially on Scandinavian, North American and East European markets. At Culmentor Jaakko works on construction projects and EU funding consultation.

Juha Kääriäinen

Principal Designer

Juha (MSc, Structural Engineering) is responsible for the principal designer tasks at Culmentors’ client projects. Juha has been working on multiple sectors, especially on energy and forest industry projects.
