EU Projects and Funding

Services for creating proposals and implementing projects

Professionally made application stands out!

Vuodesta 1999 alkaen olemme avustaneet asiakkaitamme saamaan yli 400 miljoonaa euroa hankerahoitusta, valtaosa kansainvälistä yhteistyötä edellyttävistä EU-ohjelmista.

We realise the project planning phase from the first idea to a final project application. When preparing an EU project application, as our client you can focus on the core contents and your main expertise, while our experts take care that your application is competitive and exceeds the funding body’s requirements and evaluation criteria. You can lead the process and we review, comment and edit the proposal according to your preferences.

We can also take the responsibility for coordinating the application preparation process, when we guide our client and their co-operators to realise an outstanding application that will also lead the project personnel through the project implementation phase.

Funding programme expertise

Culmentor is familiar with a wide range of funding programmes. We have acknowledged expertise on writing successful applications and managing projects for the following programmes: 

EU Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund, EIC Accelerator, Digital Europe, CEF/TEN-T, Business Finland, structural funds in Finland and Sweden; Finnish research and development programmes.

Examples of services:

We provide our services for fixed and hourly pricing. Prices / hour starting from 100,00 €/h + VAT.

Explore our reference projects

Olemme jäsenenä eurooppalaisten innovaatiokonsulttien yhdistyksessä EAIC, joka tuo yhteen konsultteja eurooppalaisten tutkimus- ja innovaatiohankkeiden alalla. Yhdistyksen tavoitteena on helpottaa kokemusten ja hyvien käytäntöjen vaihtoa jäsentensä kesken sekä edistää ammattitaitoa ja asiantuntemusta eurooppalaisissa projekteissa.
